Day 13 & April 2019

Today I join a sorry-not-sorry poem and last April in twenty images for my Calendar 2019.








Prompt 13: “Today, I challenge you to write a non-apology for the things you’ve stolen.”

Alrighty. With tongue-in-cheek and Chong. Not sorry.

Sorry not sorry

Sorry not sorry for all the luck I seem to have.
I may have stolen it from other people,
just like my country of origin
stole medical equipment for itself
from some factory in China
meant for other countries.

Where are the times
when we were known to introduce ourselves:
“Excuse me, I’m Slovene”?
Now they are sorry not sorry.
It’s war and they took the masks.

Sorry not sorry for appearing


“Have you ever taken the Big Five test?
There’s a category called ‘Neuroticism.’
I scored 0%. I think you might, too,”
Tom wrote once.

Sorry not sorry for that.
And for moving away.
And for not coming back.

I’m guilty.

I am living somebody else’s dream.
I am taking somebody else’s pictures.
I am breathing through somebody else’s mask.

Here are twenty pictures from last April and they are all mine. Every month I have a look at all the photos taken in the same month one year ago and select twenty that stand out in one way or another.

As you will see in the second half of the gallery, last April we went to Rome a couple of times, and I also met up with the painter Donna and her daughter for the first time. We strolled on the beach from Carbonifera to Torre Mozza in the bay of Follonica, and then I went to visit Gavorrano by myself where I haven’t been yet. It was a lovely day. It also feels like a lifetime away.

The first half of the photos is from around here in southern Tuscany. I can’t reach all the blooming trees or the sea, but not a bad place for the quarantine.

Here are the three months of 2019 so far:

And here are three previous Aprils for comparison:

For Day 13 of NaPoWriMo 2020

37 thoughts on “Day 13 & April 2019

  1. ‘..cheek and Chong.’ Oh, I laughed at that Manja. Bestia–so solemn. Are you watching that little kitty in the window? He looks sad….like he needs a playmate. Not now, maybe later. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hihihi, I’m glad to hear this, Lois. I wonder how many will giggle at this. That kitty was a one-off spotting last year in Rome. I never saw her again. Interesting that you believe it’s a he, while I was thinking it was a she. 🙂

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  2. This poem really spoke to me. Also loved the captions, as usual, and – if I haven’t mentioned it yet – I like the idea of looking back one year ago in this ongoing series of yours, reliving the moments because they all deserve to be relived. Favorite captions: getting ready for isolation and not knowing it yet + your daily view (lovely! green and lush!) + why isn’t the moth a butterfly, indeed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, SMSW, I’m so glad that I spoke to you. ❤ And my photos as well. It was right here on my blog that somebody explained to me the difference between moths and butterflies, and that it is in the hairyness of their antennae. I wonder if it was Amanda.

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  3. The poem caught me too, Manja. Partially because I am feeling sorry not sorry for doing so great during this pandemic. Healthy, happy, financially secure, loads of outside space to roam around in, my child who sewed homemade masks and mailed them to me, lots to do because I am going to school (online). Is all this goodness allowed? I’m afraid to tell anyone. People have checked in on me “Hey, are you ok?” and I don’t say, “No really, I’m awesome. Please worry about someone else.” But the poem also brought up an uncomfortable truth and you faced it. That’s the kind of art that gets into my heart. Thank you for this poem.

    The photos are filled with your thoughts on what it was like to live in a different world. I spend time thinking about that too, these days. And check out that tree-climbing snail!! ha ha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for getting the poem, Crystal. ❤ Most certainly this isolation is just made for some, while some others suffer terribly. No shame or guilt in doing the quarantine right though. We've got lots of highly adventurous snails around. They like to mingle most of all.

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