Day Nine & Thursday Doors, 9/4/20: Door poem

Today I give you big bold beautiful green door from Viterbo and a poem in the shape of one – if you believe it.










Prompt 9: “Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a “concrete” poem – a poem in which the lines and words are organized to take a shape that reflects in some way the theme of the poem.”

Every day the NaPoWriMo organisers provide a poetry resource, to inspire and help us. I really loved today’s, Kirsten Kaschock’s chapbook, Windowboxing. I took one of her lines and continued from there. I know, I should have done this yesterday and instead did a cento – a poem with nothing but other people’s and Vogon’s lines.

I love the way Kirsten forms her words, such as abandance, windonewith, windon’t and windoors. Today is Thursday, which is the door day, so it was not hard to guess which shape I will attempt to form with my poem.

First Kirsten’s inspiration and then my poem in two shapes.

A window is a painting someone has forgotten to put the painting in.

~Kirsten Kaschock

I thought of doing the version below first but then realised that the prompt was not to write on an image.

And here are some more photos of this amazing set of doors of the Palazzo dei Priori in Viterbo, my last trip, taken on the 22nd of February. After that truly nothing was the same again.

For Day 9 of NaPoWriMo 2020


for Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge

81 thoughts on “Day Nine & Thursday Doors, 9/4/20: Door poem

  1. Pingback: Day Ten
  2. Love this! Though I actually prefer the second version – really enjoy the way the line breaks that the image forces on the piece gives its conversational tone more room for contemplation.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love these poems about “a window” – much creativity here! Friday I am longer on my blog than Thursday, so I am most of the time late, but you know … better late than never!” Wow 30 poems, that’s a lot! My son wrote a book in a month with this endeavor. I don’t know if it’s age, or something else … but can’t compete at that speed:) Wishing you a lovely Easter, Manja!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the italian Easter wish 9my first time in Italian:)). Need to be more clear, my son wrote a novel. An edgy masculine style. He gave the transcripts to all his friends. Still needs to learn that his talent is worth a price:).

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh ha ha! But I thought of the doors in Harry Potter that are guarded by portraits and they can be troublesome personalities. It’s not the doors causing problems, but it’s still the image that came to mind with your poem: kids standing in front of doors, having arguments in order to get in. Going through a door, as with many things in the wizarding world, can be hazardous. Your poem sent me into a few giggles, even though it wasn’t what your poem was talking about, and I thank you for that. 🙂

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