Friendly Friday time capsules

Here are some snippets from my local area where history is richest and which feel like capsules of time, ending with some people of importance with good PR.














Amanda’s last photo in her Friendly Friday post made me think of a surprising last year’s visit to my nearest town Capalbio on the hill and its tower in which I found a room I was reluctant to leave with the grand piano that Giacomo Puccini used to play. As I wrote then, it doesn’t happen every day that you’re completely blown away by the town where you live.

In Italy there are so many historic artefacts and locations that the country would go bust if it wished to restore all that has merit. This is why it is still possible to uncover major finds on a daily basis: an underground cave with a lake under Rome, a dead Etruscan buried in the sand on the beach, a pyramid-like structure that nobody knows how old it really is (it’s near Bomarzo and I still need to visit it), and on, and on.

I haven’t encountered any time capsules as such in my life, or had to make one in school. The only one I’ve heard of is Future Library, for which selected writers, starting with Margaret Atwood in 2014, wrote and will write a book each year which will only be revealed in 100 years. How about that.

I’m not a big history freak and don’t search it out in shape of museums and tombs often, but in Italy history finds you without trying and aims at you its time arrow. I’ve gathered some such instances, places and objects that caught my eye. There it is, Puccini’s piano, in the first photo of my gallery.

For Friendly Friday Photo Challenge hosted by Amanda at Something to Ponder About: Time capsule

This day in my blogging history

26 thoughts on “Friendly Friday time capsules

  1. You have given us a lot to digest her in your Friendly Friday Post, Manja, but I guess you are making up for lost time. (no pun intended). Some awesome time capsules and why not when you leave where you do?
    What is the attraction of Siena? Everyone seems to love it. I was repulsed by the Mussolini cross and the Prince and fascinated by the Roman road. Can you imagine the work needed to build those kinds of roads back in the day? I do remember the Etruscans from Ancient history at school – why didn’t the Americans?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Amanda. Well yes, I’d like to make up for the year in which I was not really active much on my blog. It is called Mexcessive, after all.

      Siena is… pretty, warm, compact, walkable, a superb amusement park for adults. And that sienna colour of the walls, so nice.

      I didn’t get your last question? Why didn’t the Americans what?

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      1. I remembered the Etruscans from Ancient history lessons at school but you said the American archeolgoists insisted it was a Roman settlement – did they not call the early Romans Etruscan peoples at all?
        Or did I misunderstand your text?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. 😀 I’m not the best person to ask. I know they fought wars between each other but eventually kind of merged. Etruscans brought the culture, Romans brought the fierceness. Still evident. 😉


  2. Oh, this is brilliant! I loved seeing your walk through some historical finds…the Abbazia di San Galgano is one of my favourite places on earth, and that Etruscan ghost is a total spoof because of the 21st century camera!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. have a good friend named Tarquin Hall. He used to be a war/foreign correspondent. He is now a mere author. Tarquin is an Etruscan name and his lineage is Etruscan. You can take his word for it that the Etruscan and Romans were miles apart. Duke

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What fun, Duke! Tarquinia was one of the big 12 Etruscan cities. It’s half an hour away or so. I haven’t been to their Etruscopolis yet. Sounds a bit too like Disneyland. There are some Slovenian scholars who claim that Slovenians stem straight from the Etruscans. Our languages are surprisingly similar. Is Tarquin writing about Etruscans too? It’s amazing how little is known for sure about them. Thank you! Come over with your friend, we could make fun of the Romans. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Quite a tour through the ages Manja.

    It reminds me of a discussion I had once with a German colleague. We were both working in Australia at the time & he recalled visiting a heritage site where the local tour guide was raving about how old the building was. “How old?” he asked. “Two hundred years old!” she said. He rolled his eyes and said his family house was that old. I can relate to the guide. Here in Canada & US, 200 year old buildings are a big deal. Buildings from the 3rd century! That’s a really big deal.

    Ha Ha on your last comment about the Pope. Maybe he’s just the warm up act for the main attraction- you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hihhi, quite, I drew a mean crowd! And yes, it’s true. Old is so relative. I remember the photo my sister took on her first visit to the US. It was of a bag a woman was carrying that advertised a brand, saying it had “35 years of tradition”. We found that very funny for some reason. Thank you, Sandy, I’m glad you enjoyed the tour.

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    1. Hahah, K, this is great. Deja vulnerable. 😀 Sounds like a title of something cool. Well, I’ve been back there, to San Galgano, since that first time and I had a similar sensation. As if I’d seen it all before, a long time ago. Might be the postcards with which I played as a child. (This still features in my sense of photography. I watched a photography contest series online and the first two rules the young photographers were given were: do NOT just click, and do NOT take postcard pictures. I’d fail on both accounts immediately.)

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  5. You are positively saturated with history there. I remember how it was living in Europe. I started to become blasé about it after a while. Shame on me…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah, you’ve reminded me how much I love Italy! I’ve not yet been to Sienna but it’s high on the ‘next time’ list. I love your photo of the old bridge, and the Abbazia di San Galgano looks stunning 🙂 We visited the Puccini family home in Lucca a few years ago – fascinating.

    I also love your idea of highlighting posts from previous years (I will have to investigate some of them one day soon). I’ve not been blogging for a year yet but when I reach that point I may pinch that idea!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Sarah, also for deciding to stick around. I got this idea suddenly to go through all my five blogs (I started in 2014!) and see what I was posting each day. Especially now that nothing much happens in my world, I’m glad to look back and see all the fun we used to have. I was in Lucca only once. I loved it but didn’t visit any landmarks. I hope you return to Italy one day! There is so much to find here.

      Liked by 1 person

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