Thursday Doors, 11/6/20: Vitorchiano 5.

In danger of making it sound like an unnecessary movie franchise, this is post number 5 from Vitorchiano, a model Italian town not even in Tuscany. Today’s post is the study of the elements required for a town to come alive.











My intention is to show you in the row of Thursdays exactly what one faces doorwise upon entering a model Italian town. This is post number 5 and next Thursday we will reach the end.

Until this moment we have been in the centro storico of Vitorchiano for no more than twenty minutes, and six hours on the road altogether. I’m click-tired but the doors, together with everything else that I see around me, do not let me relax.

So what do I see? Doors, of course – in various styles, ages, shapes, conditions, plants – in pots, on every step, on balconies, Mother Mary, postboxes, chains, curtains, laundry, moss, cables, doormats, house numbers and one watering can.

But chances are that if a bunch of set decorators had all this at their disposal, they would still fail to build it, a quintessential Italian town: pretty without trying, stylish but not tacky, a bit excessive but not crammed, rather like this blog.

Have a look and count the elements if you wish. Instead I shall just mention the bits that stand out for me in every photo.

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge

41 thoughts on “Thursday Doors, 11/6/20: Vitorchiano 5.

    1. Oh Flavia, I was completely surprised by this town but this often happens in Italy. There are so many wonders here that even you haven’t heard of all. 🙂 I’m so glad that you and your friend took me there!!


    1. This town actually seemed lived-in. Not all are. Sometimes a town is just a tourist set. But here all these details, such as laundry, are witnesses of life. We entered the old town at 4.20 pm (Part 1), but photos in this post were taken from 4.45 to 4.51. But it was January 21st and the day was slowly going. Thanks for your interest, Bojana, always.

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  1. Seemingly effortless style again. After looking at all the details you picked out I noticed one other distinctive feature of all these entrances: the paving is all swept clean of litter, twigs and the other dross that accumulates in out of the way corners. The paintwork may be worn and cracked but it’s clear that these homes are well cared for.

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  2. Excellent post! This is so typical of the rustic ancient beauty found in so many of these quaint little towns and villages. The stonework, the architecture, the craftsmanship, I could just admire while oohing and ahhing for days.

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  3. What an enjoyable post. I love the variety, but especially the elderly doors, failing but still there. Did you see the faces in the Ahh Altogether doors? Excellent Thursday Door contribution.

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