Thursday Doors 1/7/21: Santa Severa 1.

Today my maternal grandfather would be 105 years old, but more on that in my blogging history at the end of this post. First, a photo story of how we attacked the Santa Severa castle despite its lack of doors.








We could go straight through the main gate into the castle and we will, but later. Today’s post is more of a preparation for the attack. I needed one full hour before I could find any door proper. But I had a swim, so there’s that.

The day was September 5th last year, and as I showed you in my Tuesday’s post I had some major Fun with friends despite the heat.

We had just strolled and lunched in Tarquinia and came to Santa Severa since I’d heard that there was a hostel inside a castle by the sea, and Flavia wanted to be there for the sunset. Uncle agreed to everything, especially when we found a busy little café and left him and bestia there as we went into the castle.

Let’s see how we approached.

And happy July to everybody! I hope you are not suffering because of the climate too much. Back in the day we used to joke: Everybody is angry at bad weather but nobody does a thing about it. Well… little did we know.

For Thursday Doors challenge hosted by Dan at No Facilities

And finally, happy birthday to my grandfather Janez! He would be 105 years old. Here are posts about him (and some others) as posted on this day through my eight years of blogging.

This day in my blogging history

33 thoughts on “Thursday Doors 1/7/21: Santa Severa 1.

  1. I enjoyed this tour very much, Manja. I particularly ike the narro passage that goes up the hill. I love how people adapted to the landscape when they built here. Doors, doorways, gates, they are all beautiful . I like it when you feature your family 😊

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It does. I gotta cold now. No wonder.
        Mom is currently stable but it’s cancer, Manja, meaning nasty and totally unpredictable. She’s starting therapy soon, so we’ll see if it’s helping or not. Either way, it’s hard. We always need a mom, regardless of age.


    1. Thank you most kindly, Janet. The artichoke scene awaited me on my very first day in Tuscany. Amore’s father made us artichokes. 🙂 And my uncle would be really happy to know that you like to see him picking radicchio. 😀

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  2. If it would not take 3 1/2 hours, I would have taken the dip too! That castle was an event – different from most castles, but you still had some doors:) Were you close to your grand parents. I never met them, because they were already gone before I was born. So it’s a trip for me to be a grand parent! The only thing I know how to do is giving presents, lol. Wishing you a cooler weekend, Jeshie2

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, Jesh, I got many doors and windows and all kinds of beauty in the castle’s museum. I’ll show more of that on coming Thursdays. That’s a long way to the ocean for you. Yes, we were really close, also because at first I lived with them in the same apartment and when I was six, we built one floor above them and moved there! Never far away! Thank you, wishing you well.


      1. Thank you Manja! Here in the USA, things are so far apart that everything under 4 hours is still considered doable for a day trip:) I can see the Italian “kids”think differently from the Dutch kids, who would preferably move to the other end of the country, lol.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed this whole series. Investigate- you are too funny. Love the castle on the beach and I felt like I got to explore it with you. I liked the forsaken door, and really love the last photo. The way you framed it, with the slanted wall and the round window and the plant – so nice. Actually, I love the very first image with the cars in the sun. And yes, I can feel the heat.

    Liked by 1 person

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