Thursday Doors, 21/5/20: Vitorchiano 2.

Today we continue our stroll through Vitorchiano from this January. All today’s photos were taken within seven minutes. Imagine how many doors are still waiting.










In my previous Thursday Doors post we parked, had a lovely lunch and entered the old town of Vitorchiano. Today we continue.

The winter day was coming to a close and there was not much light in the narrow streets. The doors were coming from left and right so fast that I could barely catch them all, and had to hide in a church for a while to escape them. But there were other interesting sights in there plus a wooden door of the confession booth.

Which reminds me that our host Norm, who was so happy when my mother sang to him “Thursday Dooors, Thursday Dooors” to the tune of Purple Rain on Saturday that he tweeted: “My day is made”, has several magnificent church facades in his today’s post.

And now to the second part of Vitorchiano doors. It’s not that I recommend such a door dash but for all these photos I needed mere seven minutes. And there was still half an hour before us. Imagine the posts.

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge

16 thoughts on “Thursday Doors, 21/5/20: Vitorchiano 2.

  1. All this in seven minutes eh? Bravo! This is a commando-style doorscursion, but wonderfully executed all the same 🙂
    The one that’s hidden way in the back between the two sets of stairs is my favorite shot.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. These are wonderful, Manja. I love older wooden doors in stone entrances. I also really like the gates. I think I noticed a corner door at the intersection of those two narrow streets. Good job in a short time.

    Liked by 1 person

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