Friendly Friday fruits – guest hosting

Welcome, Friendly Friday friends! Let me gather your links this week as the executioner of Amanda who is mightily occupied with her moving house.

She writes:

The theme I picked this week was "fruits". 
This could mean fruits as in apples, pears, oranges or it could mean

the "fruits" of ones work, hobby or life.
You can interpret this how you wish.









Before we have a look at my selection of physical fruits – as Amanda says, yours can be metaphysical – a note on hosting.

In two weeks I will guest host Friendly Friday photo challenge once more, and next week it’s Snow Melts Somewhere‘s turn again. She is slowly getting ready to discontinue her hosting but Amanda will not be alone. While I will help out when necessary like today, another blogger has agreed to co-host our beloved challenge with Amanda in the next year, and here is the reveal:

She is Sandy from! She loves to read, writes entertaining and soulful posts and takes wonderful photos (here is her last post with beautiful leaves), so the challenge will continue in very able hands. Thanks, Sandy!

And now have a look at my selection of fruits of nature’s labour, and then post your own for all of us to have a taste. It may be only one of them or countless. Everybody is welcome to take part. Have a friendly Friday and the rest of the weekend!

(When you are done reading all the captions, click on the last photo and view them in the gallery again for some extra colour extravaganza.)

And now it’s your turn!

How to join the Friendly Friday Photo Challenge

  • Publish a new ‘Friendly Friday – ‘Fruits,’ post including a URL link to this post, tagging the post, ‘Friendly Friday’. Add the Photo Challenge logo, too, if you wish.
  • Copy the published url into the comments below, so other readers can visit your blog.
  • Visit other Friendly Friday entries by following the links. It’s fun!
  • Follow the host blogs to see future prompts.

Please note there are no deadlines for any Friendly Friday challenge.

67 thoughts on “Friendly Friday fruits – guest hosting

    1. Thanks, Bojana. 🙂 As for this Osage orange, I have no idea and have never heard this name before. I only know it because I took a photo of the board next to the tree in the nature reserve telling about the native Americans appreciating it. A random internet article tells that it is “inedible to humans, but squirrels seem to love it. The fruit has caused the death of quite a few cows and other livestock that try to swallow one whole.” So, cows, beware!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, SMSW. 🙂 I’d really love that. They call these peaches “drunken peaches” and hold them in giant plastic vats at parties. (How do I know? Hm…) I hope you can have some cake at least. (Still no responders! 😮 Strange.)

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Thanks for the intro Manja! While I’m waiting in the wings & still learning from example, I’m looking forward to hosting after the year end break.
    What a delectable selection of fruits you’ve shown us. There’s nothing more tempting than fruit hanging from a tree. Yum.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. There are pomegranates again! Tara has learned this trick to open them up and expose all the jeweled seeds in 5 minutes. I keep meaning to ask them to teach me. And kiwi too! What a land of treasures, growing from trees. Here we can manage hazelnuts…and I love them… but most of these fruits you’ve shown must be imported.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. An absolutely mouthwatering array of photos, Manja, my goodness! The humble apple was completely overshadowed by them all. The pomegranate seeds looked like jewels. I love the photo of the dog peering through the leaves as if at the lone orange. I think that was my favourite along with the butterfly shot! Gorgeous 👌💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hihih, apples are the most common fruit in Slovenia. I suppose we all look down on them a little for this reason. I’m glad you like bestia and the butterfly. The latter made it into my post with my favourite photos of all time that I posted just recently. Thank you, Sunra Nina!

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