Thursday Doors, 7/11/19: Ostiense, Rome

Today is one of those stroll posts where doors are here somewhere but not in the forefront. I dedicate this post to two women: with one I was here yet and with other I’ll hopefully be tomorrow. Welcome to the part of Rome called Ostiense.










It doesn’t sound very Italian, does it? More like Dutch or Scandinavian: Ostiense. They have some similarly sounding locations in Rome such as Gianicolense and Portuense. Funny, but I’m sure with a perfectly fine linguistic explanation.

The last time I was here was in June 2017 on the perfect day spent with three American visitors (more from that day here), and in December one of them, Liz who posts lovely photos on her blog, is coming over for almost two weeks. Here is her post with a beautiful door from Philadelphia.

And tomorrow I’ll be here again with another blogger Flavia ( who is from Rome but travels around so much that she needs a T-shirt saying “I spin faster than the world.” She has just returned from South America. Here is her recent post about Buenos Aires street art with at least one door, and here is a Montevideo door beauty that she posted for me on FB:

Photo: Flavia Vinci. Thank you, Flavia!

And now come with me on a stroll similar to the one I’ll take tomorrow, with some street art that you may have seen on my previous blogs already. It will be so exciting to see all the new happenings in this area.

But before I go and play tourist, I will host the Friendly Friday Photo Challenge tomorrow, as I’m stepping in for Amanda who is changing homes and moving into her brand new house. She gave me the theme already, I’m just an executioner. I hope to see you all here.

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge.

43 thoughts on “Thursday Doors, 7/11/19: Ostiense, Rome

    1. Thank you, Deborah. 🙂 The blue one is from Uruguay by Flavia. I agree, it’s most excellent. I’m still not really fluent in Italian, I’m afraid… I can talk some, I understand more, I can read a bit, but all together it’s quite ungrammatical. Slowly getting there. Apart from struggling Italian I speak Slovenian, English, German (to a point, by now forgotten most of it), Spanish (four years in high school but no practice), and then most of the ex-Yugoslav languages: Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian.

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  1. How funny is your post? I have liked it very much and appreciated all of your shots!
    I would love to spin faster than the world, sometimes it is so difficult to keep up with it, let’s say that I am training! 😂 💪 and tomorrow we will spin together around Ostiense or Testaccio. How comes that it does not sound Italian to you? You will have to give me some Slovenian lessons. Dober večer (if it is not correct it is Google translator’s fault! 😂)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved these “eyes: already in your header! Love the bananas door, such simple idea,but so cheerful! Great post Manja! Have fun with meeting up with bloggers. You are right Ostiense does not sound very Italian, but it totally has the Italian look!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is Rome? Totally different than anything I’ve ever seen. The buildings with faces on them are amazing, perfect example of how to turn a boring everyday space into something special. I also love the blue door. Thanks for sharing.

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    1. Indeed it is, Library Lady. I often see tourists only in certain parts of Rome and rarely in some others. And yet Rome is huge and varied. The blue door is from Uruguay though, a friend gifted me her photo. 🙂 Thank you for your visit.


  4. I don’t think we visited this part of Rome when we were there. I’d certainly remember seeing the building with the faces on it; which is brilliant by the way. Banana Joe of course prefers your Banana door 😉
    Glad to see you’re going to meet up with Flavia, that should be a lot of fun. And I’m sure you and Liz will have a blast together in December.
    Isn’t blogging great? 😀

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  5. I love the idea of traveling so much that she spins faster than the earth, haha! I’d like to travel at about half that pace. My time for travel is still quite a ways away 😉
    I love all the color in this collection. The art alone makes me stop my scroll and admire. Gorgeous fun! A different sort of Rome than we normally see, isn’t it?

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  6. I’ve finally got round to signing up for your not so new blog so I won’t miss so many good posts in future. I’ve enjoyed catching up with some great doors, some aspects of Rome well off the tourist trail, more glimpses of Ljubljana and some mouth-watering fruit!

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