Friendly Friday bird and bush

I’m in a bit of a mhhhh mode. This time next Saturday I’ll be fifty. Today will be brief, more of a story next time.












Something different?

How about: Everything is different? Or nothing?

Something new?

How about: Nothing is new? Or everything?


The bird: Upupa epops / Hoopoe / Italian: upupa / Slovenian: smrdokavra /”stinky”. If in danger it projects excrement.

The bush: Callistemon / bottlebrush. Toilet brushes must have been designed after it.

For the last hour I’ve been listening to sounds of nature from all over the world, available here. I feel better already.

For Friendly Friday Photo Challenge hosted by Amanda from Something to Ponder About: Something New/Something Different

36 thoughts on “Friendly Friday bird and bush

  1. Hey Manja! What a magnificent bird! I have not see one up close but your photos are good enough for me to see their amazing beak! And lovely striped feathers.
    I have to disappoint you on the bottlebrush. Callistemon is not new to me, but I am glad it is new to you. It is an Australian native bush and they grow everywhere here. There are thousands of colours and varieties. They grow wild and in gardens and the honeyeaters love them. Thanks for joining in and enjoy watching the stamens unfurl!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re most welcome, Amanda. This bird is amazing in flight. The pattern on its wings is like from a fairy-tale. My next task is to catch it in the air. I know this bush from before, what I meant is that the blossoms are new, just out last week. I’ve noticed it around on southern hemisphere blogs. A photo of the bud just before unfurling made me pay closer attention. It’s amazing how this blossom is structured.


      1. There are other plants that are structured wonderfully. Our native plants are awesome. Are you familiar with the Banksia, Warratah or Grevillea? There is a Banksia pictured on my Sunday post.

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  2. I love the bottlebrush flower! I wish we could have them in Canada, although given our current 5C weather, they’d be freezing their little petals off. Yesterday we had snow 😡

    The hoopoe is gorgeous!! I can see why you were so excited to get his photo! He does remind me of a blue jay a lot! The jays have been very active here the past couple of weeks. We had several of them around the backyard and it was quite interesting to hear them calling to each other. I don’t know what was going, but they were very vocal with each other.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. … and I almost forgot to wish you an early Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your birthday week and make it extra special for yourself. In hindsight, my 50s were very happy and satisfying. I hope yours are too 💕

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  3. Lucky you! I had a dream about a hoopoe once, even though I have never actually seen one. I was amazed when I identified it by searching online–the exact bird from my dream. It was on a road too.. (k)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great shot of the Hoopoe! My husband is forever chasing them. Metaphorically speaking 🙂 🙂 And we have lots of toilet brush trees too! Very pretty 🙂 What had you planned for your 50th Manja? Not a virtual party. I’m sure, but every day is a day to celebrate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Jo, thank you. I don’t even wish to think about it or it will make me sad. It involved a busload of friends. But we will do it sooner or later, I’m not worried. And yes, I’m the type to celebrate every minute. Now I need to catch the Hoopoe in flight! On video, ideally. It’s such a thing of beauty.

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  5. Happy birthday for yesterday!
    My younger daughter will tell you sympathetically that this is a bum time to have a birthday given the curbed inability to celebrate in a big way!
    Hope this birthday weekend is as celebratory as it can be! And may the year ahead still hold adventure and discovery for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Is her birthday about now as well? Happy birthday to her! I had a surprise online birthday party with 42 people over ten hours yesterday! An incredibly memorable event. Including several bloggers that I never talked to before. Such fun!


      1. The wonders of technology!
        It is open & welcoming attitudes of people like yourself which bring much hope & joy even in this new environment.

        May your year ahead continue to be filled with discovery & adventure!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. The hoopoe is gorgeous. No wonder you are eager to get photos of it. You tempted with me by saying in flight it’s even prettier, so I looked up photos and they are incredible! The stripey wings are one thing, but it also can raise it’s head feathers into a crown! How magnificent.

    Liked by 1 person

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