Day 30 & Thursday Doors: The return of the doors

You have seen these doors before but I can’t wait to see them again. In the poem, the last for this April, some things that are also bound to return, not just me. Thank you for reading and poeting!












Prompt 30: “I’d like to challenge you to write a poem about something that returns.”

First of all, thank you for all the prompts, resources and examples that made me write a poem to the prompt and post it each day in April. Not a little feat.

Also, if not even more, I’m grateful to everybody who has written and/or read at least one poem. This has been my third NaPoWriMo and before it began I was not so sure I would last till the end, but I have and gladly so.

In the last poetic resource, A Handbook of Poetic Forms, I found this example of macaronic verse by Ilona Baburka, age 8, that completely made my day:

The León in Invierno

One invierno a león came to the nieve bosque.
And walked in the bosque and his garra was in the deep la
paloma white nieve.
The trees had like white nieve platos on the branch.
And it was Navidad la noche and the violeto cielo was full of
baile estrellas.

My poem is not as cheerful, nor macaronic at all even though I’m in Italy, but it has a happy ending. See you next April if not before. I’m not going anywhere.

To return


Smoke curtains
mirror halls
daily horrors
crystal balls


Those who kill
those who shoot
those who drink
those who loot

death hoarders

War cries
prose lives
sun beds
hot heads

the smog
the heat
the sea
the hurt



The first door I will go to see when I return to Slovenia is this one.

Ljubljana, Slovenia - Dalmatinova ulica
Photo: Jaime Silva

I have never noticed it and it’s right in the middle of Ljubljana where I lived for 43 years. It’s a thing of beauty. I have seen it first on Flavia’s blog but unfortunately she has lost some photos in the transfer of her blog. I would never believe that this door is in Ljubljana and I must have passed here hundreds of times.

Here are some doors from Italy but mostly from Slovenia that I have posted already but would really like to see again.

(Since today, WordPress is having the right idea to add captions when you click on a photo to view them in the gallery. Alas, the photos with longer captions are now set not in the centre but on the left… One day all will be as it must and boredom shall prevail.)

For Day 30 of NaPoWriMo 2020


for Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge

28 thoughts on “Day 30 & Thursday Doors: The return of the doors

  1. You have a microcosm in your poem! And–ah, your Thursday doors–they fill me with the spirit of adventure. Love the one covered in vines.😍Are you familiar with this quote by Blake? “If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” Or woman, I say. I think your doors of perception are squeaky clean, transparent and open 360 degrees.

    Thank you for another April adventure, dear Manja! Loved your words and your photos and your generous humor.🙏💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading and writing with me, Romana. I really appreciate it.

      This last poem was deleted from the NaPoWriMo site… marked as spam. I bet it was the whores that did it. 😦 I posted the censored version but was deleted again. Ah well. But denial will get us nowhere.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, thank you, K. We’ll be around. This comment went to spam for some reason. And my last post at the NaPoWriMo site was also marked as spam and removed. I suppose because of the word that is almost “wheres” but isn’t. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous post Manja! I LOVE that first Ljubljana-door-that-you-have-never-seen, and the one at the chapel from the Talamone cemetery, and those old town doors….and your poetry never ceases to amaze me! Keep up the good work, and humour!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That first one has me thinking of the number of times I’ve ended up discovering ‘new’ things close to home thanks to someone who’s visiting and has a different perspective or different interests. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes is all it takes. It’s so much fun when that happens.
    Hope you’re all doing well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True, Norm. We are all a fresh set of eyes to all the rest, bloggers in particular. We are well, just a bit stir-crazy. And then amore asks me: But where would you like to go anyway? And I say: See some different poppies. Thank you! Hope you’re good too. Oh, I heard of the Canadian helicopter just now. 😦 Terrible.


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