L-A: All the past times we ate

No, I don’t take photos of everything I eat, but this post contains all the home meals that I photographed this year.











When I saw the theme of this week’s Lens-Artists photo challenge and the stamp collection of the guest host Sue, my mind went back to the past times and I imagined museums, artefacts, old objects.

Only when I started to read her post today, I realised that the theme was actually pastimes. Good that I haven’t started the photo search yet.

I’m a bit sad to report that in our household all the pastimes whirl around the computers. No other games, no collections, no writing, not much book reading, not even TV going on. A bit of cooking, eating, fooling around with bestia and sleeping, and that’s about it.

In almost three quarantine months we managed to watch one film together.

I tried to follow one online pilates class but almost died laughing.

I’ve been waiting for the cleaning bug to hit, but no. At one time I cleaned my computer screen. And I washed my slippers. For a clean house I’d need a longer quarantine than that.

Anybody who needs to clean house and theirs is too clean – welcome.

Obviously I walk the dog with my camera and try to spot wildlife but usually this means cats.

And so, it shall be food. Amore made all of these dishes that follow this year, except the salad. Oh, I’m good at salads. This one was an approximation of this Nigella’s recipe.

So for a moment we shall forget that this is a photo blog because if I see food, I don’t care about any settings and just click as quickly as I can. And then eat. Buon appetito!

For Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, guest-hosted by Sue at The Nature of Things: Pastimes

26 thoughts on “L-A: All the past times we ate

    1. Thank you, Sue! I only have it in Italian but it’s not difficult. You need raw anchovies (we used the ones in salty preserve but the end product was too salty), Swiss chard and spinach (instead of spinach, something called borage (borragine) is asked for that nobody knows what is), 4 eggs, onion, garlic, herbs, grana padano cheese, and breadcrumbs to sprinkle over it. Have a look:


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