Day Seven: News & L-A: Simplicity

Today’s NaPoWriMo poem is based on four-year-old and yet timeless news, whereas the photos for Lens-Artists challenge are from last April which feels like ancient past.













Prompt 7: Write “a poem based on a news article”.

Talk to a Swede

It was four years ago,
and the news was brief:
the number +46 771 793 336
and the invitation
“Get connected to a random Swede
and talk about anything”.

Swedish Tourist Association is precise.
In 79 days they got 197678 calls
that lasted 367 days in total.
The calls were from 190 countries,
the most from the USA,
the last from Australia.

How do you talk to a Swede?
You start with
and continue from there
and you don’t call on the last day of April.
It’s Walpurgis Eve.

My history with Sweden
goes from Pippi
and Den vita stenen
to Ingemar Stenmark
and Clawfinger.

Then it goes complicated briefly
when I learn
god morgon
and am told to go swimming
and stop making mashed potatoes.
I want to drive to Stockholm
but smartly opt for Tuscany instead.

What I’d ask a Swede now
I can ask Ann-Christine directly
and much less randomly
but even she doesn’t know
how the Swedish experiment will play out.

And what could I tell a random Swede
and everybody else?
A man in full protective gear rang our bell today.
Tuscany treated us to three face masks,
the first we get after one month of lockdown.
And here I thought it was getting better.

Today’s post is also for the Lens-Artists photo challenge. Ann-Christine is one of the four regular hosts there, but today’s prompt simplicity comes from Patti.

These are from last April, when things were undescribably more peaceful, if you ask humans, that is. They are from around here in Tuscany but could almost be taken in Sweden too.

For Day 7 of NaPoWriMo 2020


for Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, hosted by Patti at P. A. Moed: Simplicity

33 thoughts on “Day Seven: News & L-A: Simplicity

  1. Simply beautiful shots, Manja – and they are from another time in space. Talk to a Swede? I have never heard of it – but I guess it is true. And I still don’t know how the “experiment” will play out…But, I do know it is getting better in Italy now, even if you were treated to those face masks – now. Three. One for Bestia?

    I do simple jigsaw puzzles. A beautiful poem, Manja. Wish I could write like you.
    Right now I just wish I could hug my mother.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Leya. ❤ It's bestia's birthday today, age 7, so possibly one mask was really for him. 😉 I'm sorry now that I never called a Swede. Probably I thought that this service would be for ever.

      Wow, you wish that you could write like me? 😮 I appreciate it. You are wonderful. I wish to hug you right now in this way *huuugs*. And a hug to my mother, and your mother, and all the mothers. It will pass.


  2. Lovely poem, made me sad. So sorry you are going through this. Those people at the door are so scary. Over here we are still waiting for the worst to hit. I would love to talk to a Swede right now. Or anyone else from any other country, just a random stranger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, sorry for the sad. We are really well hidden over here, and a couple of introverts so this has been a real quality time without the alarm clock. I get sad to if I think beyond our little unit. There are many random strangers writing poems this month, and then they are not strangers any more. 🙂 Wish you well too.


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