Thursday Doors, 6/2/20: Bagnaia, part 1

Three weekends ago I crossed one of the first entries off my to-go list, Villa Lante in Bagnaia. It was just as glorious as I imagined.










One day, soon after I landed in Tuscany, amore sent me an article about Villa Lante in Bagnaia near Viterbo. I saw one photo and knew I would visit it one day.

This marked the beginning of my Destinations Anywhere, a list of places to visit which I posted on a previous blog three years ago. It is slowly being accomplished but also updated. (Who am I kidding? I would need several life-times to do it all. This is Italy for you.)

Last month my blogger friend Flavia agreed to meet in Viterbo, which is no longer in Tuscany but in Lazio, and her kind family friend first took us to the Basilica Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Quercia, the doors of which I showed you two Thursdays ago, and then to Bagnaia a few kilometres away where Villa Lante was waiting. Flavia – a natural born Roman – has never been there and I was glad to see her reaction.

After the beautiful fountains and doors of Villa Lante we continued to Vitorchiano and the doors from there, as well as the second part of the Bagnaia doors, will fill the following Thursdays.

And last weekend Flavia came over and stayed for two days. We were tourists and today she posted a most wonderful post for me with Capalbio doors and my bestia ❤ . It was after midnight, so it qualifies. Soon you will all want bestia in your Thursday Doors.

No bestia on that day, but welcome on a stroll through Bagnaia with us.

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge.

44 thoughts on “Thursday Doors, 6/2/20: Bagnaia, part 1

    1. Hehe, oh, Norm, I’m sure winter is relative, especially if you compare ours with yours. Flavia lives by the sea and this was inland, she can obviously feel any drop in temperature and dress accordingly. I was glad to have my winter coat that day too. It was windy and just under 10 degrees, I think. Thanks, there will be more, but the best way is to go there. 🙂

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