Lens-Artists PC: Pest, I mean pets

I wish to welcome all Lens-Artists photo challengers and respondents to my new blog and my kind of excess.

Ahh, sorry, did I say pest?


Without much overture, here is the pet photo story that wrote itself today. This is not my official Calendar 2018 post which is coming up, but when I was going through last September’s photos to pick my favourites, I noticed a bit of a red thread and the familiar cast of characters. Here they are. If you click on them, they will grow.

For Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, hosted by Tina of travelsandtrifles.wordpress.com: Precious pets

22 thoughts on “Lens-Artists PC: Pest, I mean pets

    1. I realised I haven’t replied to this comment. I think I was too stunned upon reading it. 😀 I never had this hunch! I see myself much more of a dog person, including the fact that my Chinese horoscope sign is dog. But you can’t fool Susanne. 😉 Thank you!

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